
Home Glossary Item Clustering
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Clustering  is a data analysis technique used to group similar objects or data points together based on their features or characteristics. The essence of clustering lies in its ability to discover inherent patterns and structures in data and organize them into distinct clusters. It is an unsupervised learning method, meaning it does not rely on predefined labels or categories but rather finds patterns based on the similarities or distances between data points.

The goal of clustering is to maximize the similarity within clusters and minimize the similarity between different clusters. Clustering algorithms employ various distance metrics and similarity measures to determine the proximity or dissimilarity between data points. By identifying clusters, clustering enables data exploration, pattern recognition, and data segmentation.

Clustering finds applications across various domains, such as market segmentation, document classification, image segmentation, anomaly detection, and recommendation systems. It helps in identifying groups or segments within data, which can be valuable for making informed decisions, understanding customer behavior, or extracting meaningful insights.

The essence of clustering lies in its ability to reveal the underlying structure in data, providing a basis for further analysis and understanding. It helps in organizing and simplifying complex datasets, enabling researchers and analysts to grasp the main patterns and relationships within the data. Clustering is a powerful tool for discovering hidden information and gaining insights into data without the need for prior knowledge or labeling.

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