
Home Glossary Item Disambiguation
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Disambiguation is process of clarifying the meaning of words or phrases that can be interpreted in multiple ways. These words or phrases, known as ambiguities, hold different interpretations depending on the context in which they are used. The task of disambiguation involves assigning the correct sense or meaning to these ambiguous phrases or words in a given context.


Consider the word ‘bank’ as an example. In one context, ‘bank’ could refer to the edge of a river, while in another, it might reference a financial institution. Through disambiguation, AI can analyze the context in which ‘bank’ is used, determine the correct meaning, and align its response accordingly. This increases the accuracy, effectiveness, and human-like understanding of AI when dealing with natural language processing tasks such as conversation, text generation, or text translation.

In the broader AI landscape, the concept of disambiguation extends beyond just language and text. It can also manifest in areas like computer vision, where an AI might need to distinguish between objects that look similar but have different contexts or uses. Disambiguation mechanisms play a critical role in enabling AI systems to interact with complex, nuanced, and sometimes ambiguous real-world data, lending them a higher degree of accuracy and functionality.

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