PEMT (aka Post Edit Machine Translation)

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Post-Editing Machine Translation, commonly known as PEMT, is a process in which machine-generated translations are reviewed and corrected by human linguists. The essence of PEMT lies in the fusion of machine efficiency with human expertise to produce higher-quality translations. By first utilizing a machine-based translation approach and then refining the results through human input, PEMT aims to combine the best of both methods to produce high-quality, culturally-accurate translations at a faster pace and a lower cost than human-only translation.


The process of PEMT involves two main stages. First, the source text is processed through a machine translation system, which quickly renders an initial version of the text in the target language. Then, a human translator reviews this machine-generated output, checking for and correcting any errors or misinterpretations. This includes errors of syntax or grammar, inaccuracies in translating idiomatic expressions or nuanced language, and ensuring cultural appropriateness.

The performance and effectiveness of PEMT rely heavily on the quality of both the initial machine translation and the subsequent human editing. Advancements in machine translation systems, particularly those using neural networks, have dramatically improved the initial quality of machine translations. The expertise of the human post-editors, including their linguistic abilities and cultural knowledge, play a crucial role in finalizing a translation that not only conveys the original meaning accurately, but also reads fluently and naturally in the target language.

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