Random Forest

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Random Forest stands as a versatile and robust machine learning algorithm within the realm of artificial intelligence. At its core, a Random Forest is an ensemble learning method that harnesses the power of multiple decision trees to enhance predictive accuracy and generalization. Each decision tree within the forest is constructed through a process that involves randomly selecting subsets of the training data and features, aiming to introduce diversity and reduce the risk of overfitting—the tendency of a model to memorize training data rather than grasp underlying patterns.


The essence of a Random Forest lies in its ability to aggregate the predictions of numerous decision trees, ultimately yielding a more stable and reliable outcome. Through a combination of individual tree predictions, often by majority voting for classification tasks or averaging for regression tasks, the algorithm achieves heightened accuracy and greater resilience against noisy or outlier-laden data. Moreover, Random Forests excel in handling high-dimensional datasets and maintaining good generalization on unseen data, a virtue attributed to their ability to capture complex relationships and feature interactions across various scenarios.

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