Semantic Network

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In the realm of artificial intelligence, a Semantic Network embodies a structured representation of knowledge that models relationships between concepts using interconnected nodes and edges. The essence of a Semantic Network lies in its ability to depict not only the concepts themselves but also the connections and meanings that exist between them. This graph-like structure enables AI systems to capture and organize complex relationships, facilitating more sophisticated reasoning and understanding.


Nodes within a Semantic Network represent distinct concepts, while edges denote the relationships or associations between these concepts. The strength or type of the edge often conveys the nature of the relationship, such as “is-a,” “part-of,” or “related-to.” This network structure allows machines to infer information based on the context and connections between nodes. Semantic Networks find applications in various AI tasks, including natural language processing, knowledge representation, and question-answering systems. They excel in capturing domain-specific knowledge and enabling machines to navigate intricate web-like relationships, thereby enhancing their ability to provide contextually relevant responses and insights.

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