
Scientists Have Invented An Innovative Approach To Improve The Ability Of Ships To Navigate Their Way Independently

Scientists Have Invented An Innovative Approach To Improve The Ability Of Ships To Navigate Their Way Independently.

The growing fascination with self-driving vehicles has fueled a wave of intense study into the maritime sector, specifically targeting the creation of autonomous maritime vessels. The central challenge for these vessels is to navigate a predefined route on the ocean while bypassing barriers, accounting for water depths, and acknowledging the vessel’s maneuvering capabilities.   Straying […]
Drug-Resistant Bacteria

MIT Researchers Unveil Breakthrough in Combating Drug-Resistant Bacteria through Deep Learning

Researchers at MIT, utilizing deep learning, have unearthed a novel class of compounds with the potential to combat a drug-resistant bacterium responsible for over 10,000 annual deaths in the United States.   Published in Nature, the study highlights the effectiveness of these compounds against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in laboratory settings and two MRSA-infected mouse […]
AI-Powered Image Creation Contributes to Carbon Emissions

AI-Powered Image Creation Contributes to Carbon Emissions

You take steps to be eco-friendly: program your thermostat to cut down on heating bills, recycle your bottles and cans, cycle to work instead of drive, repeatedly use eco-friendly shopping bags, invest in solar energy, and even share showers with your partner—all to play your part in energy conservation, reducing rubbish, and shrinking your ecological […]

Scientists Create Artificial Intelligence Model for Forecasting Stock Market Movements

Can artificial intelligence tools aid in forecasting changes in stock prices and market volatility? Researchers from South Dakota State University suggest they can. Kaiqun Fu, an assistant professor in SDSU’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Yangxiao Bai, a graduate research assistant, have crafted an innovative AI-driven model called “ALERTA-Net.” This deep neural […]
deep-learning algorithms

AI Technology Empower Users to Choose Their Preferred Sounds in Noise-canceling Headphone

Most individuals familiar with noise-canceling headphones understand the significance of filtering out specific sounds at specific moments. For instance, someone may desire to eliminate car honks while working indoors but not when strolling along bustling streets. Users typically lack the ability to choose which sounds their headphones cancel.   A group of researchers from the […]
Recommendation Algorithms

Recommendation Algorithms

Recommendation algorithms have evolved significantly, and understanding their development requires delving into their historical origins. These systems have their roots in the late 20th century, primarily within the realms of information retrieval and e-commerce.   In the field of information retrieval, one of the earliest instances of recommendation systems emerged during the 1970s. At that […]
Bias in Datasets

Research Team Creates an AI Model to Efficiently Eliminate Bias in Datasets

Professor Sang-hyun Park’s research team at the Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST), has introduced a novel image translation model with the potential to mitigate biases in data effectively.   When constructing artificial intelligence (AI) models using images gathered from diverse sources, data biases can inadvertently emerge […]
Clustering and Classification Algorithms

Clustering and Classification Algorithms

In machine learning and data analysis, two fundamental techniques play a significant role in understanding patterns and making sense of complex datasets: clustering and classification algorithms. Clustering methods, like k-means, group data points based on their similarities, while classification algorithms, such as Naïve Bayes, assign data points to predefined categories. Both techniques have distinct purposes […]
AI-Generated Content

Exploring the Weaknesses in Watermarking AI-Generated Content

With the rise of LensaAI, ChatGPT, and other highly effective generative machine learning models, the internet is experiencing an increasing influx of content, including text, images, logos, and videos, all crafted by artificial intelligence (AI). This content, collectively known as AI-generated content (AIGC), can often be indistinguishable from content created by humans or other computational […]
Genetic Algorithms

Genetic Algorithms

Genetic algorithms are a class of optimization techniques that are inspired by the process of natural selection. They were first introduced by John Holland in the 1960s and have since found application in various fields, ranging from engineering and computer science to biology and economics.   Genetic algorithms, often referred to as GAs, are grounded […]