
ai for android

Google TensorFlow Lite to Make Android Smarter, Leading to More AI-Dependent Smartphone Features TechRadar

Google’s new TensorFlow Lite will soon make Android smarter, giving the smartphone system better AI-dependent features. This new machine learning framework designed by Google Brain Team is specifically created to work on mobile devices, especially smartphones. The search engine giant unveiled this new artificial intelligence technology on Wednesday, May 4 for its upcoming Google I/O developer conference, […]
ai in medicine

Artificial intelligence is shaping a new medical revolution

“Art at the crossroads of several sciences”, medicine at the beginning of the 21st century is about to experience a new revolution, like the one experienced by the world of painting in the 19th century. Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing medical paradigms, just as photography yesterday renewed the foundations of painting. Medicine is an art […]
ai finance

Qraft wants to put algorithms at the service of finance

This young South Korean shoot has just received an investment from Softbank to set out to conquer the American market. The world of finance has been relatively reluctant to adopt artificial intelligence. But things are changing, as illustrated by the recent fundraising of Qraft Technologies. In January, this young South Korean company received an investment […]
ai start-ups

The pitch of the seven best start-ups: Cibiltech is the big winner

Like every year, Challenges invited 7 young start-ups selected upstream in the issue “100 start-ups where to invest” to come and sell their project. “A good pitch is a story that touches us, that makes you want”, advises Céline Lazorthes, founder of Leetchi and figure of entrepreneurship in France. The jury, composed of Olivier Garnier, […]